Management of Respiratory Failure or ARDS In COVID Patients Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is one of the most serious complications associated with a higher risk of mortality in COVID-19 patients. It can originate from the vascular or gas side of the alveoli. Although the site of entry or spread of COVID-19 is inhalational, alveolar infiltrates have been commonly found in the chest x-rays or computed tomography scans of patients with this infection. Respiratory distress also appears to include vascular damage that can potentially mandate a unique treatment approach other than what is recommended for patients who have developed ARDS due to other causes. Also, a wide variation in the mortality rate has been observed across different intensive care units. This further raises the possibility that the differences in the approach to ventilatory management could be a factor contributing to the varying outcomes. We are going to discuss this in detail in our ‘COVID19 P...