What are the therapeutic benefits of hypothermia?


Hypothermia is one of the advanced methods of treatment found to be beneficial in a large number of patients. The therapeutic role of hypothermia has been noticed in a range of health disorders including those affecting the brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Therapeutic hypothermia is expected to improve the survival rate of patients considerably and also support the faster recovery of patients with impaired brain or heart functions.

Therapeutic hypothermia may also playa critical role in preventing the risk of mortality in patients with acute lung injury and myocardial infarction. It can buy more time for the patient and make a huge difference to the outcomes.

Hypothermia may also form a vital element in the life-saving processes for patients with medical emergencies.

During hypothermia, the body temperature of the patient is reduced to about 93-degree Fahrenheit. The temperature is maintained for 24 hours. This approach would decrease inflammation in the affected tissues and reduce swelling thereby supporting the faster recovery of the patient.

To reduce the body temperature, the patient needs to be administered an infusion of cold saline solution. The patient is also wrapped in specialized cooling blankets that allow the cold fluids to circulate throughout the body thus creating precise control over body temperature. This last element is considered essential because if the temperature reduces below a certain point, it may trigger cardiac arrest.

Hence, doctors need to possess the knowledge and skills about how to induce hypothermia with caution to help patients recover faster and avoid the risk of mortality associated with life-threatening diseases.

The complex and time-intensive hypothermia treatment requires specialized equipment and training. The patient's chances of survival are expected to double when the cooling is achieved within 6 to 8 hours of medical emergencies like cardiac arrest. It can also reduce the recovery time of patients.

This marks the need for doctors, nurses, and healthcare practitioners to develop expertise in hypothermia. Being aware of the therapeutic role of hypothermia, how it works, and how to induce it would help them treat patients more efficiently.

If you want to learn more about hypothermia, you can attend our ‘15 AARC Approved CEU Webinar’ on respiratory medicine and integrative medicine topics from 17th October to 20th October 2020 from 3 pm to 8 pm.

This webinar is focused on providing information about what hypothermia means and how it would help you treat emergency cases with better outcomes. We will also discuss the common issues and concerns faced by physicians and nurses such as the right to die with dignity, asthma and airway remodeling, aromatherapy for stress reduction, and the role of the endocannabinoid system in maintaining health.

You will learn the therapeutic uses of CBD oils, ethical delivery of hospital emergency services, acute lung injury, and ARDS.

You can also interact with our panel of expert physicians and ask questions after the respiratory therapy conferences.

Join the webinar to learn more about hypothermia to improve the prognosis of patients with medical emergencies.

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