The Therapeutic Benefits of CBD Oil
With the CBD industry flourishing for the past few years, doctors and healthcare workers are commonly being asked questions about the safety and efficacy of CBD oils. Several research studies have already proven the therapeutic role of CBD oils and the efficiency of these compounds in the management of several acute and chronic illnesses.
An increasing number of people today is eager to try CBD oils to stay healthier. At the same time, since CBD oils are derived from the cannabis plant, people are apprehensive of its safety as the same plant is used in the preparation of recreational drugs like marijuana known to cause serious addictions.
Hence, it is common for people to confide in their physicians before they start using CBD oils and confirm that it would be safe for them to use it for improving their health.
This is one of the reasons why doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners must keep themselves updated about the safety and efficacy of CBD oils.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the compound derived from the plant, Cannabis Sativa. It is the same plant from which its infamous sibling, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, is derived. The use of THC is linked to a higher risk of addiction.
However, CBD and THC, in spite of being the compounds derived from the same plant, have major differences.
While THC is considered a psychoactive substance, CBD may or may not produce the same effect.
THC is known to increase anxiety and can lead to addictions and cravings, which is why it is considered harmful to health.
CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and particularly revered for its medicinal potential and the ability to reduce stress and anxiety.
CBD is also considered a safe and effective natural remedy for patients with depression and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), when used in an appropriate manner.
However, there's still a lot to learn about CBD oiland how to use it judiciously in order to derive its medicinal benefits without the risk of adverse effects.
Now you have an opportunity to learn more about CBD oil and its therapeutic benefits by attending the ‘15 AARC Approved CEU Webinar’ on respiratory medicine and integrative medicine topics from 17th October to 20th October 2020 from 3 pm to 8 pm.
We will also discuss the common issues and concerns faced by physicians such as the right to die with dignity, triage healthcare assessment techniques, asthma and airway remodeling, aromatherapy for stress reduction, and the role of the endocannabinoid system in maintaining health.
We will also discuss the therapeutic uses of hypothermia, ethical delivery of hospital emergency services, acute lung injury, and ARDS.
You can also interact with our panel of expert physicians and ask questions after the presentation.
Join the webinar to learn more about the safety and efficacy of CBD oils so that you can give correct advice to your patients and help them overcome their health issues.