What Is The Role Of Nicotine Addiction In COPD Management?
What Is The Role Of Nicotine Addiction In COPD Management?

a chronic progressive disorder that is characterized by breathing difficulties
that tend to become worse over a period of time. Initially, patients may
experience occasional episodes of dyspnea.
the disease progresses, the episodes tend to occur more frequently. Also, it can
make it increasingly difficult for patients to perform physical activities. In
advanced cases, patients may experience dyspnea after walking a few steps or
even at rest.
progress of these symptoms can be slowed down by identifying and eliminating
the risk factors for COPD.
smoking is the most common contributor to the development of COPD and asthma.
It can not just trigger the development of these diseases but also accelerate
their progress thereby increasing the risk of morbidity and mortality
the treatment of COPD must be focused on nicotine de-addiction. It should be
noted that the use of medications - oral, intravenous, or inhalers - and other
treatments may fail to provide the expected improvement in the patient's health
if the patients continue to smoke. Both active and passive smoking must be
avoided by patients to prevent theprogressive worsening of breathing
there is a need for physicians to include nicotine de-addiction in the
treatment of patients with COPD.
The aim
of the therapy should be to help patients understand the need to stop smoking
and provide support to relieve emotional and physical symptoms that may occur
during the phase of withdrawal.
de-addiction may include one or a combination of different therapies such as
the use of nicotine patches, counseling, family counseling, group therapy, and joining
support groups.
It is
not uncommon for physicians to encounter obstacles during the course of
nicotine deaddiction treatment. In some
cases, patients may begin to start smoking again due to factors such as mental
stress, peer pressure, or inability to control the urge.
the treatment should also be focused on preventing relapse by identifying
triggers that can compel the patient to start smoking again. And this is a
major challenge physicians must address to help patients recover.
you have an opportunity to learn more about the role of nicotine deaddiction in
the management of asthma and COPD. You can join “ASTHMA AND COPD RESPIRATORY
WEBINAR” on 9th October 2020 between 8 am to 1 pm to learn the more effective
methods to help patients quit smoking.
panels of expert physicians will discuss with you the recommended treatments to
support nicotine deaddiction with an aim to minimize the symptoms of
will also discuss the disparities in the care of asthma patients and the
management of COPD in ICU settings. You will learn how to transition the
respiratory patients to the home settings in view of training the patient and
family members regarding maintaining general health, and the management of
can ask questions and interact with our expert physicians to clear your
concerns. You can also share the difficulties you have faced in managing these
disorders. The discussion will help you provide optimum care to COPD patients.
Join the webinar to keep yourself updated about the best
treatment and prevention strategies for COPD to help your patients avoid
breathing difficulties and other life-threatening complications related to
these diseases.