Pathophysiology – How COVID Can Create Havoc In Your Body
Over the last few months, researchers have been working tirelessly to find out everything possible about SARS-CoV-2. And some of the facts they have learned are quite alarming.
Doctors no longer believe that once a person tests COVID negative after being treated for this infection, he is safe.
Research studies and clinical experience have shown that COVID-19 can create havoc in your body even after it has been treated or after you have recovered from the initial bout of illness. The infection tends to produce longer-lasting effects that may worsen or show up with variable intensity in the future.
Our ‘COVID19 PANDEMIC BY EXPERTS IN THE FIELD WEBINAR’ is focused on providing information about the latest developments in COVID-19 including the short-term and long-term complications this infection can cause. You can join this webinar to stay updated about the different ways COVID-19 can create havoc in the patient’s body.
While COVID-19 is widely known to affect the lungs, there is growing evidence suggesting that the virus can also cause a cascade of other health issues including heart attacks, chronic inflammation, and GI symptoms.
The breakdown of the clinical presentation of the neurological symptoms have also revealed that the nervous system of the patient may also be affected due to COVID-19.
It suggests that COVID-19 may spur delirium, seizures, strokes, widespread nerve damage, brain inflammation, and a rare inflammatory disorder called ADEM.
It may not attack the brain directly. But, it can cause serious damage by setting off a firestorm of side effects across the nervous, immune, and vascular systems. These effects can, in turn, jeopardize the patient’s brain health significantly.
Doctors have also observed other complications in patients after they were tested COVID- negative following treatment. These complications include transient encephalopathies, visual hallucinations, and temporary brain dysfunction.
Experts suggest that the implications of brain damage could be fatal or everlasting. There is a need to develop better treatments for protecting the brain and preventing stroke and inflammation in COVID-19 patients.
Nerve damage, possibly due to Guillain-Barré syndrome, also needs to be investigated further to be able to get a better picture of the impact of COVID-19 on the brain. Researchers have reached a consensus that all patients diagnosed with COVID-19 need to be followed up for the early diagnosis of long-term complications.
You can join the ‘COVID19 PANDEMIC BY EXPERTS IN THE FIELD WEBINAR’ on 4th November between 3 pm to 8 pm to learn more about the possible complications of COVID-19.
We will also discuss the evolution and epidemiology of the COVID pandemic and the management of ARDS in COVID patients. We will share with you a clinician’s view from inside a COVID ICU to help you learn how doctors and nurses need to prepare themselves to face the challenges.
This webinar also includes a discussion about the future of COVID-19 in view of possible treatments, vaccinations, and the development of herd immunity.
You will also get an opportunity to interact with and ask questions to our panel of expert physicians. Join the respiratory webinars to keep yourself updated about COVID-19 and improve your expertise in the management of this infection.