Management Of Respiratory Failure In COVID Patients

Management Of Respiratory Failure In COVID Patients It’s been more than 8 months now and still, the COVID-19 pandemic shows no sign of decline in the number of cases. What makes the COVID-19 pandemic a major cause of concern is the high risk of mortality associated with it, particularly due to respiratory failure. COVID-19 has a higher tropism for the lung and is known to cause severe pneumonia and ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), especially in patients with a weak immune system and existing co-morbidities. This marks the need for the physicians, nurses, and healthcare workers to stay abreast of the latest information about the risk of ARDS and the recommended protocol for the management of respiratory distress in COVID-19 patients. Clinical features of ARDS in COVID-19 patents Most patients with COVID-induced respiratory distress meet the Berlin definition of ARDS. However, some patients may exhibit a different phenotype of ARDS with lower lung weight, higher lu...